‘I’m Ashlea and I’m a beginner left handed female golfer. I started golf nine months ago and it’s been an incredible journey up to now. I set up my Instagram page to log my progress, it’s so rewarding to see how far I’ve come in a short time. I love the golfing community and meeting other golfers; both male and female and at different levels. I especially love meeting other left handed golfers, there’s not many of us around!
I’ve always loved hats and I’ve (accidentally!) started to build a collection of hats for golf too. I love the selection that Sabbot provide…different styles and colours that can be used anywhere and any time of year.
I work as an interior designer which is a job I absolutely love. Colour is so important in design and I think that’s why I love how with Sabbot you can wear different colour hats to compliment your outfit.
I definitely have the golf bug now but other hobbies include running, workouts, painting and learning to speak Italian. I have also just started to teach myself BSL (British sign language). I like to keep busy!’
Field - Golf
Favourite Sabbot Product & Colour: It's so hard to choose! It's between the Andrea (1023 Classic Blue and White or Fashion Pink and Grey), the Linda (1123 Classic Neutrals or Fashion Green or Mid Blue) or the Nico beanies for the winter months. The Dakota and Harper caps are great for the summer months.
Best Professional achievement: Becoming an interior designer which is what I had been wanting to do since the age of 5.
Best Personal achievement: My golfing journey so far. It was a big step getting into golf and I feel like I'm achieving different things on a daily basis.
Tea, Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot Chocolate, of course!
Favourite Place in the world: Italy - I speak the language, I love the food, the people, the architecture and the views
Sweet or Savoury: Sweet every time
Favourite Animal: My pet dog Rex (a black labrador that I do not have yet but I'm desperate for!)
Mantra I live by: Invest in yourself (time, energy, money, learning, relaxing etc.)
Goal for 2022: Play my first 18 holes, get a handicap, have fun!